Update of Timmi Absences APIs

Some Timmi Absences APIs are going to be deprecated and replaced with new versions. These old APIs will no longer be accessible starting from June 2024. Here are the updates to be made.

Description of Deprecated APIs

Versions of certain APIs you are currently using will no longer be supported starting from June 2024. These include:

  • POST https://example.ilucca.net/figgo/api/public/services/v1.0/leaveEntitlementsImport, which is replaced by the API documented in this section of the API documentation.
  • POST https://example.ilucca.net/figgo/api/public/services/v1.0/leaveEntitlementsReplace, replaced by the API documented in this section of the API documentation.
  • POST https://example.ilucca.net/api/v3/services/importLeavePeriods, which is replaced by the API documented in this section of the API documentation.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the transition, our team is at your disposal.

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