Proposed indicators

This help sheet includes beta features currently undergoing testing and not yet available to all clients.

Before starting

Lucca solutions now offer in-app graph reports, for example the absenteeism rate or sick leave history for Timmi Absences, or workforce movement for Core HR.

To help you with better HR management, we are building a single interface that will bring together all the indicators in several Lucca solutions.

We are currently working on 3 dashboards:

  • Growth: Workforce management;
  • Retention: identifying the reasons why employees leave;
  • DEI: gender balance and equal treatment of employees.

List of indicators

Several styles of visuals are proposed, and depending on how relevant they are indicators can be presented with different segmentations (by establishments, departments, gender, age groups, contract termination reasons, absence category, expense category etc.).

Some of these indicators are already available and we plan to introduce new ones soon.


Headcount by month Headcount by month counts all employees with an active contract for at least one day during the month. Available
Headcount at month end Number of employees with an active contract on the last day of the month. Each employee is counted as one unit, regardless of their working time. Available
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) headcount

For FTE (full-time equivalent), each employee is weighted according to their percentage of working time (taken from their work cycle). If they start/leave during the period, their attendance is prorated in business days over the period.

For example: an employee working 80% part-time counts as 0.8 FTE.

Average age Based on the date of birth in the HR file (Only employees for whom this information is available are taken into account). Available
Average seniority

An employee’s contract seniority is calculated from the start date of the current contract over the period in question.

When there is a change of contract, seniority is reset to zero.

Number of contracts starting/ending Contracts started/terminated over the period in question are counted. Available
Entry rate Ratio of the number of new contracts to the headcount at the start of the period in question. Coming soon
Replacement rate Ratio of the number of new contracts to the number of terminated contracts over a period. Coming soon
Growth rate Ratio of the headcount at the start to the end of the period in question. Coming soon
5-year seniority rate Percentage of employees with less than 5 years seniority in relation to the organization's headcount. Coming soon
Movement rate

Percentage of employee turnover over a period.

Contract start and end dates are taken into account.

This indicator is also called the employee turnover rate. It is calculated as follows: (Number of new contracts + Number of contract ending)/2/Headcount at start

Attrition rate

Percentage loss of employees over a given period.

This is sometimes referred to as the "churn rate". It is calculated as follows: number of departures / number of employees at start *100

Net attrition rate Version of attrition in which terminated contracts are offset with contracts started over the period.  
Retention rate Percentage of employees that the company manages to retain over a period of time. It is calculated as follows: (Headcount at end of period - Number of new hires over the period) /Headcount at start of period Soon
Senior index Percentage of employees over 55. Available


Trial periods

Number of trial periods in progress Number of trial periods that existed over the period Available
Number of new trial periods Number of trial periods that started over the period Available
Number of approved trial periods Number of trial periods that were approved over the period Available
Number of trial periods renewed Number of trial periods that were renewed over the period Available
Number of interrupted trial periods Number of trial periods that were interrupted over the period Available
Validation rate Percentage of trial periods that were validated over the period. Soon
Renewal rate Percentage of trial periods that were renewed (without distinguishing whether the renewal was initiated by the employer or employee). Soon
Interruption rate Percentage of trial periods that were interrupted (without distinguishing whether the interruption was initiated by the employer or employee). Soon


Remuneration items

Gender parity among the 10 highest earners Number of women and men among the top ten highest earners full-time equivalent over the period in question. Available
Gender pay gap Difference in theoretical pay between women, men and "Undefined" categories. Employees whose pay is not entered are not counted in this indicator. Available
Pay gap Compares the average wages of the Male and Female populations. Soon
Actual payroll Payroll (actual pay) of the population in question. Soon
Theoretical payroll Payroll (theoretical pay) of the population in question. Soon
Pay ratio Ratio of payroll to headcount. Soon
Theoretical pay Average theoretical pay of the population in question. Soon


Absenteeism rate Compares the number of absenteeism days with the number of theoretical working days over the same period. Available
Number of absentees The number of employees who are not present at work for a reason associated with absenteeism. Soon
Amount of absenteeism Number of absenteeism days. Soon
Sick leave (Days) Number of sick leave days over the period in question. Soon
Sick leave (Number) Amount of sick leave that was taken over a period. Soon
Employees on leave Number of employees that are on leave (all types except absenteeism) Soon
Number of leave days Number of leave days taken (all types except absenteeism). Soon



Missing reviews Number of overdue reviews based on the recommendation rules configured on your instance Soon



Purchases Amount of invoices processed over the period. Soon
Expense Reports Amount of expense reports submitted over the period. Soon
Expense report reimbursement ratio Percentage (volume and amount) of submitted expense reports already reimbursed. Soon
Payments Amount of payments made over the period in question using the payment cards provided for employees. Soon



Training effort Ratio of actual training costs to total payroll. This is sometimes also referred to as the Financial Participation Rate (FPR). Soon
Training effort per employee Actual cost of training as a percentage of the payroll of trained staff. Soon
Employees with no training for 2 years Number of employees who have not received any training in the last two years. Soon
Training rate Ratio of the total number of employees to the number of employees who received training. Soon
Training time Gives the total duration of training provided for employees. Soon
Training time per employee Gives the average duration of training for each employee. Soon


Premises occupancy

Site occupancy rate Premises occupancy rate. Soon
Remote working rate Percentage of employees who are working remotely. Soon
Site vacancy rate Vacant space rate in the premises. Soon



Qualification promotion Change to a higher ranking qualification (irrespective of the job in the qualification grid). Soon



Time to hire Time between posting a job offer and approving a new hire for the position. Soon
Number of applicants Number of individuals who applied. Soon
Number of applicants Number of applicants who applied for a job offer. Soon
Number of positions available Number of job openings at a given time. Soon
Recruitment selectivity Percentage of job offers made versus the number of applications received. Soon
Survival rate Number of contracts still in place 6 months after hiring. Soon

If you think of any other indicators, please let us know by sending an email to or leave a comment on the sheet in the roadmap.

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