Generating a pay rise gender gap report

Before getting started

The report measures the percentages of men and women who have received a pay rise during the reference period. Il fournit les données nécessaires pour calculer l’indicateur Écart de taux d’augmentation (50 à 250 collaborateurs) de l'Index.

Configuration guide

Reference period

Indicate the last day of the selected reference period in order to generate your report. Pagga Compensation will calculate the report based on the 12 months prior to the date selected.

💡 Astuce pour l'Index : Choisir une période se terminant le 31 décembre facilite la publication des résultats avant le 1er mars de l'année suivante, conformément aux délais réglementaires.

Population to be taken into account

Select the eligible employees by using filters based on their establishment, department, occupation category, and contract type. Those who work fewer than 180 days over the period are automatically excluded. The calculation takes into account contract start and end dates, as well as absences.

💡 Astuce pour l'Index : Exclure "les apprentis, les titulaires d'un contrat de professionnalisation, et les salariés d'entreprises extérieures", selon les directives de l'Index.

Pay to be taken into account

Select the fixed remuneration nature(s), which are considered to be the basic salaries, to be included in the pay rise report.

Your configuration is now complete and you can generate the report.

Generating and interpreting reports

Capture d’écran 2024-02-19 à 16.10.59.png

1. Warnings

Warnings indicate missing data that may exclude employees from the report, namely if their gender has not been completed. Links to HR files allow for this information to be completed.

2. Analysis

You can access the number of men and women who have received a pay rise in the total population, including all pay rises, even those related to a promotion. This comparison is based on two criteria:

  • As a percentage, to see whether, in proportional terms, more men or more women received a pay rise over the period.
  • As an equivalent number of employees, to see how many men or women are represented by this gap within the company's headcount.

3. Other

  • Click on a row to see the details of the employees in question, along with their full-time equivalent pay over the reference year.
  • To find out more about the breakdown of these calculations, please see our FAQ.

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