Creating and editing a skill

Before you get started

From the Skills module you can manage your repository and create your skills. 

To access the Skills module in Settings, you must add the "Skills framework administrator" permission to your position.

Note: any change to the skills grid will be updated directly in the template of an ongoing review.
Example: I completed my review preparation with the expected "Beginner" level for the skill "Using the 360Learning tool". This level was replaced by "Experienced" in my qualification before my review, so it will be the expected level when I do it.

Creating a skill 

There are two ways to create a skill: either by importing it (see our help page) or by creating it manually. 
To create a skill manually, click on "Create a skill" and add a name and a category to your skill. The list of categories is not customizable. 

You can then add a description to the skill to provide more context, as well as descriptions for each proficiency level (for example, what the "beginner" level means for this skill). This information makes it easier for your employees to assess their skills. 

If you have entered descriptions of the levels in the general rating scale (in the "Settings" tab), these level descriptions will be automatically included in your skills. You can still customize the level description for each skill though by clicking on it. 

You can also translate the skill and the descriptions into different languages to make it easier to use the repository in an international context. The skill will appear in the user's language in their review, or in the default language if it has not been translated into their language. 

Once your skill is created, you can link it to a job.

Editing a skill 

If you want to edit the name, category, or descriptions of a skill, you can do so at any time by going to the corresponding skill page.

However, please note that these changes will be reflected in skills grids and employee appraisals, including ongoing reviews where these skills are being assessed. So it's important to consider the impact of these changes before making them.

Archiving a skill

If you no longer want to use a skill because it is obsolete, you can archive it. Warning: this action is irreversible and will impact ongoing assessments if this skill was linked to their job. 

The skill will no longer appear in the skills expected or held by employees. You will no longer find this skill in your assessed skills analysis. 
It will still appear in the employee's history of assessed skills (all skills assessed) and in the PDF report for the review.

Removing a skill from a grid

If you no longer wish a job to be assessed on a skill, you must remove this skill from the grid of the job in question. You can always go back and add this skill to the grid.

The skill will no longer appear in the skills expected or held by employees in this job. You will no longer find this skill in the analyses for this job.
It will still appear in the history of assessed skills for the employees concerned (all assessed skills) and in the PDF report of the review.

Glossary to help you define a skill

Here is a list of definitions to help you best describe the skill to be created:

Skill category: The category is used to structure the skills framework into four main groups of skills. These 4 categories are: knowledge, soft skills, hard skills and languages.

Skill: Recognized ability in a given subject by virtue of the knowledge possessed and which gives the right to judge it (translation of Larousse definition). Examples: legal advice, English, C# development, deadline management etc.

Rating scale: The rating scale is used to measure an employee's level in a given skill. It is made up of a fixed number of levels that can be selected.
Examples: Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Expert.

Job sectors / Groups of jobs: Grouping jobs together that require the same or similar skills. Examples: HR, Finance, Product etc.

Grade: Numerical information corresponding to a level of seniority within a job, often associated with the hierarchical level. Grades are used to show possible levels of progression within a job.

Skills grid: Set of required skills and expected levels for each qualification for a given job.

Job title: A short description of the employee's job and level of seniority. Unlike qualifications, job titles can include organizational details that go beyond the job itself, such as the scope (geographical, product) of the position. They are also intended to be used externally. For example, they appear under an employee's name on a business card, or on their LinkedIn profile.

Examples: Director of Operations EMEA, Global Chief Happiness Officer, Cleemy Product Manager, etc. 

Job: "Profession with a specific nature requiring an apprenticeship, experience, etc., and falling within a legal framework" (translation of Larousse definition). Jobs are defined based on skills, i.e. Jobs are defined based on skills, i.e. two jobs are distinct if more than 80% of the skills they require are different. Examples: Recruitment, Accounting, Product Management, Development etc.  

Qualification: A combination of job and grade, essentially used to specify the level of seniority within a given job. Examples: Junior Accountant, Senior Developer, Expert Accountant 1, etc. Unlike job titles, qualifications are a much more structured concept, determined by the company, and mainly for internal use.

Knowledge: Expertise acquired through learning or experience. Knowledge can be expressed in the following way: "I know… / I learned …

Hard skills: Actions that enable employees to apply knowledge. They can be expressed as follows: "I know …" Soft skills: Attitude that can be expressed as follows: "I am …"



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