Configuring the rating scale

Scale customization

To define the expected level for each skill in your frameworks and thus correctly assess employees during reviews, you can customize the rating scale. 

To do this, go to the Cogwheel ⚙️ > Organization > Skills > Settings > Rating scale tab.

The rating scale customization options are as follows: 

- Disable a level* (applicable to all languages);

- Customize the level label (if the default one isn't right for you). For example, you can use only 2 levels (not acquired and acquired) or 3 different levels (not acquired, in the process of being acquired, acquired);

- Add a custom description to each level (visible in reviews). This description will apply to all skills and will be visible in reviews to help employees with their self-assessment. 

*You cannot disable a level if it is specified as an expected level in a skills grid. First you need to edit the expected level in your framework before you can disable it in settings.

If some skills require custom descriptions, you can tailor the descriptions for each skill. These customized descriptions will be displayed rather than the general description in the scale settings. To do this, go to Settings > "Skills" > select the skill from the list > "General Information" tab > "Rating scale" section. 

Here you can edit the description of each level for the selected skill. Descriptions are clearly visible in reviews to help users do a self-assessment. 

Skill rating scale

Step 1: Select a default language 

The translations entered here will be visible to users who have set their Lucca account in this language (To edit your user language, click on your photo in the navigation bar > click on "My account" > "Public data" tab > "Language").

The default language is the language that will be displayed in employee reviews if you do not provide custom translations for the other languages.

Managing a multi-language scale

If you operate in several countries and need to manage your skills repository in several languages, that's no problem.

To do this, go to Settings > "Skills" > "Settings" > "Rating scale" tab > in the drop-down language list, select another language.

For languages other than the default language, you can also: 

- Customize the level label (if the default one isn't right for you);

- Add a custom description to each level (visible in reviews).

Translations made here will be visible to users who have set up their Lucca account in that language. To change your user language, click on the photo in the navigation bar > “My account” > “Public data” tab > “Language”.

Menu to select another language

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