The new year does not just bring champagne. There are also 2 actions to carry out on Timmi Absences to correctly manage your comp days N-1 and N.
1/ Manage comp days N-1
We describe several specific cases here depending on your internal rules:
👋 Unused N-1 comp days or half-days are lost
Set the comp day N-1 balance to zero for all of your employees via a manual collective adjustment. Please pay attention to specific cases (employee who was not able to take their holidays due to increased activity, sick leave or maternity leave), take these off your list and manage them on a case-by-case basis.
📙 Find out how to do this in our help page Modifying the balances of several employees.
⏳ You allow your employees to use some of their unused comp days N-1 for a few more weeks/months after the official date.
If you want to limit the balance of comp days N-1 to be used in year N, proceed with a manual collective adjustment, click “Cap”, then indicate the upper limit.
E.g.: Limiting the balance of comp days N-1 to 5. If Martin still has 7 comp days, his balance drops to 5. If he has 3 comp days, his balance will remain the same.
📅 You give your employees the option of using some of their N-1 unused comp days for a few more weeks/months after the official date.
Specify the time limits for using the leave in the settings of the comp day balance. Your employees will not be able to book comp days R-1 past the date you indicate here.
Once the date is passed, you can set the balances to zero as explained previously.
😎 You allow your employees to use all of their unused comp days N-1 with no time restrictions.
Check that the settings in your comp day balance do indeed allow days to be booked after the use period has expired.
The comp days N-1 will disappear from the employees’ balance dashboard when their balance is at zero.
🛒 You allow your employees to transfer their unused comp days into a Time savings account
📙 Find out how to set up your Time saving account campaigns on Timmi Absences at our help center
📺 Time savings campaigns - 3 minutes
💸 You redeem the unused comp days
📙 Redeeming comp days until 2025: 3 tips to a win-win system
2/ Update the comp days N accrued in the Package per day system
If the leave rights calculations are done directly on the accrual profiles, as is the case in the screenshot below, then you are still on the old module and the paragraph below is of interest to you.
With the new year comes the new public holiday calendar. Update the number of comp days calculated by Timmi Absences for your employees subject to the Package per day system.
👁🗨 Reminder about fully credited comp days at the start of the period
Your space is set up so that all of the credits are automatically allocated at the end of the month.
The comp days will thus be credited on January 31st. If some of your employees need to use them, they can easily do this before the credit becomes effective.