Managing working time arrangements

Before getting started

This help page explains how to set up working time arrangements. To understand the changes to these arrangements resulting from the migration, go to this help page

Defining working time arrangements

Work cycles are now included in the working time arrangements. The working time arrangements make it possible to define:

  • One unit (days, hours or schedules) to be used in the time entry (Timmi Timesheet).
  • The contractual working time, meaning the number of hours or days that the employees should work according to their employment contract.
  • The full-time equivalent, which makes it possible to identify whether the employees are part time.
  • The public holiday calendar.
  • The time management rules (Timmi Timesheet).

It is this arrangement, which defines the contracted working time, that is attached to a user. An arrangement can contain several successive cycles, which enables you to foresee alternating cycles, for example, a summer cycle followed by a winter cycle. 

To create or edit a working time arrangement, click on the cogwheel on the top right-hand corner of the screen, then on the “Working time arrangements” section. You will need the Lucca permission “Administration of working time arrangements” to access this.


Among your employees, you have a population of technicians on a 35-hours per week employment contract. The technicians have a fixed weekly schedule with start and end times.

To represent the schedule for this population, you can set up an arrangement named “Technicians” with a contracted working time of 35h/week and identical reference working times.

Durée de travail.png

The “Work cycles” tab allows you to define the theoretical schedule for this category of employees.

cycle de travail.png

Finally, if you have the Timmi Timesheet solution, you can specify the regulations (all of the time management rules) associated with this category of employees.

réglementaire TT.png

Creating a working time arrangement

Note : It is possible to create a new arrangement by duplicating an existing one, which can be useful if the new arrangement is only slightly different from the existing one. To do this, first click on the arrangement to be duplicated, then click on the “duplicate” button located next to the employee’s name.

To create a working time arrangement, click “Create an arrangement”.

Creer une modalite.png

Enter the name of the working time arrangement. We advise you to choose a name that makes it possible to quickly identify the category of employees concerned: “R&D”, “Technicians”, “Workshops”, “Maintenance”, etc.

Nom modalité.png

Then there are 3 steps:

  1. Amount of time worked
  2. Work cycles
  3. Time management rules (if you have Timmi Timesheet).

The “Amount of time worked” step allows you to define:

  • the unit of the arrangement: “days”, “hours” or “schedules”. To enable your employees to book their leave in hours on Timmi Absences, select “hours” or “schedules”. The “schedules” unit enables the precise schedules for the start and end of each work sequence for your employees to be tracked on Timmi Timesheet.
  • the reference period that defines the amount of time worked. This is generally a week, but it can be longer if there are modulations in the working times.
  • the contract term featured in the employee’s employment contract, which corresponds to the amount of time the employee is expected to work over the reference period.
  • the reference term which corresponds to the typical amount of time worked by a full-time worker in this category of employees.
  • The full-time equivalent which is automatically calculated from the contract term and reference term. If this is under 100%, this means that employees under this arrangement are working part-time.
  • The duration of an absence day which is, by default, equal to the theoretical amount of time worked in a day, i.e. the duration of the day in the work cycle.
  • the public holiday calendar.

To proceed to the “Work cycle” step, click “Save and continue”. A work cycle is proposed to you by default. To edit it, click “Edit”.

modifier cycle.png

You can also edit the type of pattern: weekly or odd/even weeks.

modifier type de motif.png

“Hours” and “schedule” units.

To edit the times, click the fields (1). 

If the time entries are identical for each day, click “Apply for the week”: the times will be copied for the working days (3).

“Schedule” unit

To define break times (Timmi Timesheet), add several time entries (2). 

“Days”, “hours” and “schedule” units

To indicate that a half-day is not worked, click “Work” (4). 

Then say whether the half-day is a “Day off”, “Part time” or “Weekly rest” (day only).  The type of day not worked (part time, day off or weekly rest) and the full-time equivalent (full or part time) have an impact on the absence count in Timmi Absences, this is explained in this help page.

Save your changes (6).

cycle horaires.png

If the work cycle of your employees changes over time, you can add the new work cycles which will apply on the date you enter this information. For example, you can plan to change to a reduced schedule during the summer months.

Click “Move on to next step”

If you have the Timmi Timesheet solution, you can select the regulation that applies to the employees concerned by this working time arrangement. 

Your arrangement has been created.

Managing an arrangement

After you have created an arrangement, you can:

  • Edit its name (1)
  • Duplicate it (2)
  • Archive it (3)
  • Delete it (4) It is only possible to delete an arrangement if this arrangement has not be associated to a contract for one or several employees. To see the list of employees who have been attached to this arrangement through their employment contract or their amendment, go to the “Employment contracts” tab in the arrangement.

gérer modalité.png

Attaching an arrangement to an employee

Attaching an arrangement to an employee is done in their employment contract and in any potential amendments.

When you create a new employment contract, select a working time arrangement.

If the contracted working time of an employee changes during the execution of their contract, you can then signal that they have switched to a new arrangement through a contract amendment. The date this new working time arrangement comes into effect is the date the amendment comes into effect.

Let’s take for example Valentin Bresnier, who is moving from full time to part time. To attach Valentin to the new arrangement, go to the Employees space > HR file.

In Valentin’s HR file, select the “Contracts” section (1) and create an amendment (2).

création avenant - Modalités.png

Enter the date of effect for the new arrangement in the “date of effect” field. You can see the details of the arrangements to easily find the arrangement you are looking for.

avenant - Modalités.png

Select the arrangement and save.

détail avenant - Modalités.png

You can plan contract amendments, and thus changes in arrangements, in advance.

Once the arrangement is attached to a contract or contract amendment, this appears in the “Employment contract” tab for the arrangement.

Planning work cycles

When there is a change to the work cycle of a whole category of employees during the execution of their contracts (change of start time from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM), you can add a new work cycle.

Select the arrangement, then click “Add a work cycle”.

ajouter un cycle de travail.png

Enter the date of effect

date prise d effet.png

Configure the future week type and save

In which cases should I create an amendment / edit the work cycle of an arrangement?

Case Amendment or work cycle? Steps
Valentin Bresnier moves from full time to part time during the execution of his contract.

This is a change in his contracted working time. This requires a change to the arrangement via the creation of an amendment. 

In Valentin Bresnier’s HR file, create an amendment with the future arrangement and with, as a start date, the date of effect for the move to part time. Follow the steps in the dedicated section.
Valentin Bresnier is changing role: he was a consultant and has now become a sales agent.

By changing roles, Valentin moves to a different group of employees. This can lead to a change in his contracted working time, work cycle and time management rules. This requires a change to the arrangement via the creation of an amendment. 

In Valentin Bresnier’s HR file, create an amendment with the future arrangement and with, as a start date, the date of effect for the change of role. Follow the steps in the dedicated section.
Valentin Bresnier and his colleagues are moving to the summer schedule.

This is a change in the work cycle.

Follow the steps in the planning the work cycles section.




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