Configuring the who's who

Before getting started

The who’s who is a directory of employees in your company. The business cards display the data of your choice for each employee and a link to their HR file. To access information on employees, you can click on their photo to display their business cards.

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The organizational chart is a visual representation of how the company is organized. A new employee can easily understand the structure and the various departments. It can be exported in JPEG, PNG or PDF format.

The 4 configuration steps

Step 1: As the administrator, ensure you have the following permissions: 

- View the who's who and the organization chart

- Configure the who's who

Step 2: Select the data that you would like to display in the who’s who

The type of employee data to be displayed in the business card can be set from Employees > Settings > Who’s who.

You can choose which data to display in the who’s who and give the users the option of editing it. If a data point is marked as editable, users can then edit it in the “public data” section in the “My account” page.

For Core HR customers: Please note, the custom data in the HR file can only be edited from the employee’s HR file. Only simple data can be added to the who’s who. Compound and/or multiple occurrence data can therefore not be displayed.

Step 3: Give access to employees via roles

If you want to expand the scope for consulting the who’s who and business cards for a given role (user / manager / administrator, etc.), go to role administration and, for the role in question, for the Employees application, edit the scope linked to the permission “View the who's who and the organization chart”.

Step 4: Ask your employees to upload their photo from their homepage by hovering over the “Photo” field.

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For Core HR customers: Use the update request module to notify your employees and directly collect their photo from the dedicated form.

The who’s who is compatible with the mobile version of the browser so that employees who are not at their desks can easily access their colleagues’ contact details.

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