Before starting
The occupation categories are used in our apps at several levels:
- The filters of your reports (Timmi Absences, Poplee Performance, Poplee Core HR, Pagga Compensation)
- To configure accrual rules in Timmi Absences (seniority, time savings account, etc.) and customized review campaigns in Reviews & Goals.
- To configure advanced rules for exporting absences (Timmi Absences)
- To configure data export files (Poplee Core HR, Pagga Compensation).
Attached to one or more establishment(s), they are used to group employees according to a universal classification, aimed at identifying employees with a similar job, qualification, rank and status.
Identified most often in the collective bargaining agreements applied in your business sector, you can create, edit and/or delete the occupation categories used in your Lucca environment at any time.
Create or edit an occupation category
To create and administer your occupation categories, you must go to the occupation categories module that is in the cogwheel at the top right of your environment:
There, you will find all the created and active occupation categories with an overview of the attachment of each occupation category by establishment. The occupation categories are unique, so you don't have to have more than one per establishment.
With each new creation, the module will ask you to which establishment the occupation category should apply. In this way, you can segment your organization according to the different applicable categories.
Deleting an occupation category
To delete an occupation category, first make sure that no active employee is yet associated with it.
A trash can icon on the right can then be used to delete the obsolete occupation category.
Matching a category to a user
To match an occupation category to an employee, you must go to Employees, select the user concerned, and edit the value from the Contracts tab.
The contract consists of the following information:
- Contract start date
- Establishment
- Occupation category
- Nature of contract: internal or external
- Contract end date
If your employee changes occupation category, a change of contract is recommended. To be precise from a legal perspective, this is an amendment to their contract.
From a payroll perspective, the occupation category is not necessarily displayed. On the other hand the conventional status of the employee must be stated on the payslip. This status often reflects the notion of the manager or non-manager classification. In any case, there can be no doubt regarding the employee's classification when certain contributions dedicated to managers are included on the payslip.
Going further
I have administrators restricted to the administration of a specific establishment
If you have chosen or set up an administration principle by establishment for your colleagues (Admin FR, Admin GB, Admin SK etc.), there is no problem, the module does not block administration by establishment. It is a general administration module for your environment.
Your employees' permissions, that are restricted to one or more establishment(s), will only apply within the apps (settings, administration of employees, filters, etc.).
I don't see the occupation category that I want to match to my employee
Each category is matched to one or more establishments. When you create or edit an employee, e.g. when moving between two establishments, make sure that the occupation category is indeed matched to the establishment of your choice so that you can then match it to the employee.
I would like to create or edit an occupation category but I don't see the module in the cogwheel.
The module is accessible according to a permission of the dedicated Lucca administrator. If you don't see the module entry in your cogwheel, contact your main administrator so they can open it for you through the role administration.