Making a leave request

Before getting started

The Request tab in Timmi Absences can be used to submit leave requests. The page can also be used to consult both the current and future leave balance. They will be submitted to an approval process. You will also be able to find all past and future requests by consulting the individual history.

This other help page explains how to take leave in the Timmi Mobile App.

Make a request in Timmi Absences

To submit a request, you need to:

  1. Click on the first day of your request then the last day
  2. Specify if the request starts or ends on a half-day
  3. Click Continue

If you have accounts in both days and hours, you need to select the type of request you want to make before clicking Continue.

The allocation window for your request appears, allowing you to choose the leave accounts to which the absence will be applied.


An automatic allocation according to the leave accounts whose consumption period end date is the closest, is suggested. You also have the remaining balance displayed on each of these accounts. Note that if an account with a credit balance does not have a consumption period, which is the case, for example, with Recovery accounts, it will be prioritized automatically ahead of other Paid leave or Comp day balances. It is possible not to propose an account by default by checking the box "do not propose this account by default" in the account settings. For example, if your employees have paid leave and days in a time savings account, and need to use the paid leave as priority, you can select this setting for the time savings account.

However, you always have the option of changing the suggested allocation. The total of this allocation needs to correspond to the number of absence days indicated in the first step (shown in yellow on the schedule).

By default, only accounts with a positive balance and for which the user is authorized to take leave are visible.

In the drop-down list, you will find all family event accounts and accounts defined in the settings as available in the drop-down list.

Note: It is possible to apply for leave from the calendar in the 12-month view (options accessible at the top right of the screen).


Frequently Asked Questions

Why doesn't an account appear in the drop-down menu?

In order for an absence type to be visible in the drop-down menu, it must have been set up that way. To check the account settings, go to: Settings > Accounts - and click on the edit icon on the row of the account in question (e.g. below for the "Wedding/Civil Partnership" account).


You must activate the "Account is available in the drop-down menu" section for it to be accessible to users. Remember to save the change before leaving the page.

Why is suggested leave not allocated to the oldest account?

If an account generates a warning during the request, Timmi Absences will not suggest automatic allocation on this account, except in one specific case.

You can have several types of warnings, including:

  • a warning if taking advance leave, 
  • a warning on a half-day request, 
  • a warning for a restricted period,
  • a warning for an upper limit.

However, the warning on the request after the consumption period end date does not prevent the automatic allocation, it is the exception. Timmi Absences will then suggest the oldest accounts with a balance to be used first.

To manage warnings on an account, you must go to Settings > Accounts.

Why is an account that is on my balance table not available in the allocation window?

In this case, we invite you to refer to the frequently asked questions in this help page: What information is displayed in the balance table?

How to request leave in Timmi Absences?

To allow a leave request in hours, Timmi Absences must know the number of hours the user works each day, who must therefore have a work cycle in hours or time entries.

As an administrator, you must first create a work cycle, visible in the Lucca settings cog wheel icon > Work cycles.

To understand how this module works, please refer to the file: Manage a work cycle.


Next, you must assign this work cycle to users in their user file.

If a user cannot request time in hours, you need to check how this option is assigned in: Employees > User files.

PCHR_HR file_workcycles_partial_EN.png

Timmi Absences does not know how to manage several requests in hours in the same slot. Therefore, only one type of absence in hours is allowed per half-day. You must make 2 separate requests to be able to request 2 types of absences in hours on the same day.

How to block requests in the past?

To block requests in the past, go to Settings > Preferences > Settings. This setting is configurable by establishment.

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