Before getting started
There are two ways to manage the leave entitlements of part-time employees, depending on whether or not you prorate their leave entitlements.
Each of these ways leads to a specific calculation when absence days are taken: part-time days are not counted as absences in the case of prorated entitlements, and conversely, they are counted when entitlements are not prorated.
Precedent seems to prefer to not prorate the leave entitlements of part-time employees, but in practice, many companies find it easier to prorate the entitlements.
Timmi Absences gives you the choice between these two methods, to be defined at the account category level. This help page is dedicated to part-time work with non-prorated entitlements.
Counting rules in Timmi Absences
- The absence period extends from the beginning of the absence until the day before the return to work (see Labor Code).
- All part-time half-days included in the absence period are counted, unless the limit is reached.
- The limit on the number of Part-time days credited is calculated based on the number of weeks accrued. This check ensures that the part-time employee is not disadvantaged compared to a full-time employee. Therefore, for each week accrued (5 business days or 6 working days), Timmi Absences allows the counting of the number of part-time days per week. For example, if a person at 80% and does not work on Wednesdays has accrued 5 business days, then Timmi Absences allows for the counting of one Wednesday. If there are less than 5 days acquired, Timmi Absences will not count a Wednesday. Therefore, if they request leave on a Tuesday and their number of days accrued is insufficient (e.g.: 3 days accrued), only the Tuesday will be counted.
Example to illustrate how the count works
In this example, the employee is absent for part-time (PT) work on Monday and Wednesday afternoon, and all day Thursday. Saturday and Sunday are not part-time days, but respectively a day off (DO) and the weekly rest day (WRD).
What happens if I take a Monday morning off?
Work will resume on Tuesday morning. The absence period is therefore from Monday morning to Monday afternoon. The Monday afternoon in part-time days is included in the period, it will be counted (except if the limit is reached).
What happens if I take a Wednesday morning off?
The return to work will be on Friday morning, so the absence period is spread over the whole of Wednesday and Thursday. We will have to count the 3 half-days of part-time included in the period: Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon.
When a half-day is worked, 2 days of leave are counted (unless the limit is reached).
What happens if I submit a request for Friday all day?
Work resumes the following Monday, but there is no PT half-day included in the period from Friday morning to Monday morning not included. Therefore, only one leave day is counted.
Edit the count provided by Timmi Absences
Deactivate the check of the number of part-time days counted
By default, Timmi Absences blocks the counting of part-time days beyond the limit calculated according to the accrued entitlements (see Counting rule no. 3). However, if you wish to deactivate this check, go to Settings > Preferences > Settings, in the "Request leave" section and change the "Check part-time count" setting to "No".
Do not authorize a request without counting the days not worked
If the balance is insufficient to count the days not worked at the end of the request, Timmi Absences authorizes the sending of the request by default. For example, if an employee at 80% with their Friday as part-time has only 4 business days left on their 2019/2020 Paid Leave account and wants to apply for a week of leave, Timmi Absences allows them to send their request with 4 days (instead of 5 business days).
You can deactivate this authorization. In Settings > Preferences > Settings, change the "Authorize a request without the non-worked days if the balance is insufficient" setting to No in the “Request Leave" section.
In this case, the employee will need to use another leave account to complete their request (in the previous example, the employee could have used their 2020/2021 Paid Leave account to count the Friday).
Forcing a part-time day to be counted
In Schedule Management, you can select a part-time day and impose an absence on it to force it to be counted. You should only select the day to be counted.