Background information
HR file management is only available if you are subscribed to the Poplee Core HR solution. If it is enabled on your platform, go to the Co-workers menu and access HR file configuration to manage the data sections.
When you click on the name of a section in the list at the left, the data in the section along with their properties appear.
This article covers the following points:
- Adding a section
- Renaming a section
- Editing a section’s content
- What do the ‘Editable’/‘Mandatory’/‘History’ properties mean?
Adding a section
The ‘New section’ button allows you to add a section to the HR file. After you name the new section, you must set up its content by adding data.
You can also change the display order of sections in the HR file by dragging and dropping them within the left-hand list. See an example in this short video:
To delete an existing section, just click on the ‘waste bin’ icon. This action has no impact on any personal data entered, because the data comprising the section were not deleted, they are simply no longer shown in the HR file.
Renaming a section
You can change the section’s name by clicking on it. This action has no impact on access rights that were already defined for the section.
Editing a section’s content
The content of a section may change at any time. Simply add or remove data that you want shown in it (using the ‘+’ button and the ‘Remove’ links). Remember to save your changes.
If the piece of data you want to add does not exist, you have the option to create it directly using the ‘Create a new data’ link, which appears when no result matches your search.
‘Editable’ property
This column allows you to define what data can be edited by people who have change permissions for the section.
Data without the property ticked can only been edited by administrators (with ‘super’ change permissions). For more information on data access rights, you can read our article on Setting up section access rights.
‘Mandatory’ property
Data with this property are tagged with an asterisk (*) in the HR file. This allows HR administrators to indicate to users what data they must complete (for example, ‘Degree’). If mandatory data is missing, a reminder appears in your bar, next to your account access:
‘History’ property
This property allows you to define what pieces of data have a change history that is visible to users.