Before you get started
You can manage absences for one or more employees from Schedule management to schedule, edit, or cancel an absence, or to declare days off or days worked (see days off help sheet).
Schedule, edit or cancel an employee absence.
You can enter an absence for an employee in Schedule Management, by clicking on the "of an Employee" tab in the "Manage absences" tab.
You will be able to manage sick notes in this section.
Consult this help sheet for more information on managing sick leave.
Request an absence
To request an absence for an employee, you must:
- select the employee from the drop-down list.
- select the absence period
- select the leave account for this absence.
- determine the people who will be notified when this absence is scheduled.
- enter a comment if needed
- click on the "save" button"
It is also possible to enter a recurring absence by checking the box at the bottom left of the screen. Then complete the fields including the end date of the period of regular absence, then select the leave account and save.
Cancel or recategorize an absence
To cancel or recategorize an absence, you must:
- select the employee from the drop-down list.
- select the absence
- check "delete absence" or "recategorize absence" as needed
- (if you checked the box "recategorize absence", you can select the leave account for this absence and consult the employee's balances) and consult the employee’s balances.
- determine the people who will be notified when this absence is scheduled.
- enter a comment if needed
- click on the "save" button"
Why doesn’t an account appear in the absence list?
Several reasons may explain why the account does not appear in the drop-down list in Schedule Management:
- If the accounts in the category "Leave requiring a sick note" are not in the drop-down list, the "Enter sick leave" permission has not been activated. Here is the corresponding help sheet.
- A non-regulatory account for the selected person
- Account greater than 5 years old
- Account in a list that is not assigned to the administrator role.
All the features to administer absences and balances are discussed in this video. (Schedule management can be found at 3:20’ to 10:20’)