Managing the arrival of a new employee

Before getting started

Here you will find all the practical information to create a new user in Timmi Absences. 

Required data for the HR file

A new user is added in Employees > HR files > Add an employee.

If you use Timmi Absences, you need to ensure that the following data is entered for each of your employees:


The HR file data)

What is this for? 


Highly recommended

Primary role This defines access permissions for Timmi Absences, among other things, and what the employee can do Yes  
Timmi Absences profile This allows you to link the leave entitlement accrual profile for each employee.  Defined in Timmi Absences regulations, it tells Timmi Absences what monthly credit needs to be added automatically.  Yes  
Payroll number

The employee payroll number is a unique identifier shared with your payroll software. It is mandatory when exporting absences from Timmi Absences. 

The employee number is a unique value for each employee. Two users from the same establishment cannot have the same employee number.

The manager

The manager is the person who will approve the user's leave. You can also customize the approval workflow and link your employees to a specific leave approver.

If you want this user's leave requests to be self-approved, they must be their own manager.

Work cycle Mainly used for managing part-time and flexible working or to find out your employees’ days off, this allows you to enter exceptional work cycles - Yes
The calendar determines employee public holidays. You can view the public holidays attached to each calendar by going to the settings icon at the top right of the > Organization > Calendars screen. Yes  
Occupation categories Can be managed from the dedicated module under the gear icon, a user occupation category allows you to customize your communication rules, some accrual rules, and generate customized reports etc. in short, to group your employees according to a specific classification.  Yes  
Seniority date If the contract start date and seniority date are not the same, you will need to fill in the seniority date field. This field will then be used to calculate seniority.   Yes


Actions to be taken in Timmi Absences when adding a user

Scenario 1: You created the employee in the month of their arrival and your leave is credited monthly.

You won’t need to do anything else.

The user will start accruing their leave when the automatic entries are run.

Their leave will be credited in proportion to their attendance during the month determined by their contract start date.

Case 2: You created the employee in the month of their arrival but all or some leave is credited at the start of the period (for example: accrual of all Comp days in January).

This may need to be done manually, depending on the date of your automatic credits: 

- When the automatic credits run at the end of the month (because of other leave credited on a monthly basis, for example), nothing will need to be done manually – they will be credited automatically.

- However, if your automatic accrual credits have already been completed (start of the month), this needs to be done manually.In the To do list, you can edit the credit amount and click on "Credit".

Scenario 3: You created the employee after the month of their arrival. 

In this case, you need to recover the credit due to them, prorated to their arrival, during the previous month.

Here's how to recover the accrual of entitlements from the month of their arrival.

If you work on a basis of accrual through profiles

1. Go to the Timmi Absences Credit/Debit menu then Accrual > Accrual via profiles.


2. In the previous month see if there are any boxes to be checked in front of the leave accounts

3. Check the employees highlighted by Timmi Absences and click continue if you are in agreement with Timmi Absences. 


Timmi Absences will then display the credits available and just click on Save.


If you work on a basis of accrual through rules 

1. Go to the Credit / Debit menu in Timmi Absences, followed by Accrual > Accrual.

2. Select the relevant regulation and the List of rules tab, followed by the relevant month. Then click on the history of the rule to be run to launch the rule again:

3. The employee's name appears and you can credit the amount proposed by clicking Save:






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