Identifying your employees' missing data so that it can be updated

Before getting started

To ensure that the apps work properly, we suggest using the "Missing data" module. 

Available via Employees > Update > Missing data, this module will allow you to see the number of incomplete employee files at a glance and add in the missing data for each file. 

You can find the details of the rules for these warnings below. 

Core HR (Administrative management of staff)

A data item is considered to be missing if it is incomplete and if it has been marked as required in the setup of the HR file (Employees > Settings > HR file). 

Timmi Absences (Leave and absences)

Warnings for all users with access to Timmi Absences (leave and absences) on: 

  • Timmi Absences profile
  • Payroll number
  • Public holiday calendar


Pagga Payslip (Payslips)

Warning for the social security number for users who have the Pagga Payslip permission "View and download payslips" in one of their roles and who have "Receive payslips in electronic format" activated.

Cleemy Expenses (Expense reports)

Depending on the settings, a user may potentially get warnings for the following data items:

  • Manager (required if they're part of the validation workflow)
  • IBAN (required if the employee's establishment generates SEPA payment files)
  • BIC (same as the IBAN)
  • Auxiliary account (required if included in the accounting export for the employee's establishment)
  • Payroll number (same as the auxiliary account)
  • App profile

We don't raise warnings for users who don't have the permission to submit their own expense reports ("Submit an expense report" permission within a "User" scope) 

The "Vehicle horsepower" data item is required if:

  • There is at least one type of expense wherein:
    • its type is mileage 
    • AND it uses the mileage webservice 
    • AND there is a prefilling feature with the vehicle horsepower figures 
    • AND the power cannot be edited by the user 
    • AND this type is active 
  • AND the user's effective expense profile (e.g. the generic profile or the Cleemy Expenses app profile) contains the type in question in its list

The same logic applies for the motorcycle horsepower.


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