To ensure your applications work properly, we have set up custom alerts for each user depending on what applications they can access and their settings.
Detailed rules for these alerts are found below.
Timmi Absences (Leave and Absences)
Alerts on all users who have Timmi Absences access (leaves and absences) on:
- Timmi Absences profile
- Employee number
- Public holiday calendar
Timmi Timesheet (time and activity entry)
Alert on work cycles for users with the ‘Must submit timesheets’ Timmi Timesheet permission on one of their roles.
Pagga Payslip (Payslips)
Alert on the insurance number or code for users with the ‘View and download their payslips’ Pagga Payslip permission on one of their roles and with ‘Receive their payslips electronically’ enabled.
Cleemy Expenses (Expense reports)
Depending on the set-up, a user may be able to have alerts on the following data:
- Manager
- Third party account
- Employee number
- Tax horsepower (car/motorcycle)
- Application profile
Alerts are not relayed for users without the right to submit their own expense reports (‘Submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope)
The user’s manager is mandatory IF:
- The user’s entity has an approval workflow with one of its steps referencing ‘manager’ approval
- AND the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
*Optional rule* the user’s manager is mandatory IF:
- The employee’s legal entity has an approval workflow with one of its steps referencing the ‘cleemyApprover’ approver
- AND the user does not have a ‘cleemyApprover’
- AND the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
Bank information
The IBAN is mandatory IF:
- The user’s legal entity uses SEPA payments
- AND the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
The BIC follows the same rule as the IBAN
Third party account
‘personalAccount’ data is mandatory if:
- The user’s legal entity has an accounting export enabled
- The user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
- AND the legal entity’s chart of accounts references personalAccount data
‘personalAccount’ data is mandatory if:
- The user’s legal entity has an accounting export enabled
- AND the export format references ‘personalAccount’ in any element of any field of any line
- AND the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
Employee number
The employee number is mandatory if:
- The user’s legal entity has a payment export enabled
- AND the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
- OR the employee number is present in the accounting export
Tax horsepower
‘Car taxable HP’ data is mandatory if:
- There is at least one expense nature such as:
- its type is in kilometres
- AND it uses the mileage web service
- AND car HP is pre-filled
- AND the power cannot be edited by the user
- AND this nature is enabled
- AND the user’s effective expense profile (i.e. the generic profile or the Cleemy Expenses application profile) contains the nature in question in its list
- AND the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
The same logic applies to motorcycle tax HP.
Application profile
The application profile is only necessary if the user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’).
Default value of analytical axes
The mandatory, visible and/or editable character of an axis determines whether its default value is mandatory for a user.
When an axis has a default value per user (i.e. ‘Display in user page’ ticked in the axis’ settings), it becomes mandatory for the user if:
- The user has the ‘submit expense reports’ permission with a ‘User’ scope (or including several scopes, one of which is ‘User’)
- AND the axis is used in Cleemy Expenses
- AND the analytical axis is
- mandatory and invisible
- OR mandatory and uneditable
- OR one of its children (there may be several levels of relationships) is used in Cleemy Expenses and fulfils the same conditions (mandatory + invisible OR mandatory + uneditable)
- AND the axis’ pre-filled value is ‘User’s default value’
- AND the generic profile or the user’s application profile contains a nature that uses this axis
Multiple instances
Important: if there are multiple instances of Cleemy Expenses, the only instances looked at are those on which the user has rights (a Cleemy Expenses role on the instance, whatever their permissions) to apply the following rules. If the rule is not adhered to on a single instance, it triggers the alert/makes the data mandatory.