Importing skills and updating them via import

Before you get started

The purpose of this help sheet is to guide you through the mass creation of skills, which will be assigned to qualifications at a later stage. 

It is possible to delete the import in Lucca. If need be you can run an initial test on the test basis before importing in the production environment.


Retrieving the file template to be used for import

Go to skills settings and download the document template. 


The template automatically adapts to your settings and needs: 

  • it automatically includes the active levels in your rating scale.
  • it adds the right number of columns depending on how many languages you want to translate your skills into. 


  • Click on "Download the document template" (1)
  • (Optional) Select other languages into which you want to translate the skills
  • Click on "Download the template" (2)


Completing the import file 

The import file must follow several rules:

  • Be in CSV UTF-8 format
  • It must have two columns - "Name" and "Category" (the order of the columns does not matter);
  • No more than 1,000 rows;
  • File header on the first row;
  • No duplicates in the columns;
  • The "Name" and "Category" columns must be completed in the repository default language.
  • The “Id” column does not need to be filled in for new skills to be created.
Be careful not to import duplicate skills. In the import file the name of a skill must only appear once, otherwise the skill will be created several times.


Column Mandatory column? Mandatory data? Purpose of the column Comments

Last name

Yes Yes Allows you to name the skill Maximum number of characters = 100
Id Yes No Allows you to update an existing skill (do not fill this in if you are creating a new skill) If you are creating a new skill, leave this column blank. 
However, if you want to update an existing skill via an import, enter the skill ID (available in the framework export).
Description No No Allows you to enter a description of the skill Maximum number of characters = 1,000
Category Yes Yes Allows you to fill in the skill category.

Values from a predefined list: 

In French: Savoir / Savoir-être / Savoir-faire / Langues
In English: Knowledge / Soft skills / Hard skills / Languages
In Spanish: Saber / Habilidades sociales / Experiencia / Idiomas

You cannot use categories other than these. 

Category names must be the same as the default language you have defined in the repository settings.

{level} (Description) No No Allows you to add a description for each skill level

Maximum number of characters = 1,000

Knowledge: Knowledge acquired through learning or experience. Knowledge can be expressed in the following way: "I know... / I have learned...". / I have learnt..."

Soft skills: An attitude that can be expressed in the following way: "I am ...".

Hard skills: Practice that enables knowledge to be applied. It can be expressed in the following way: "I know ...".

Language: Ability to speak a language: “I speak and understand ...” 


Importing the completed file

Click on "Browse documents" and select a file or drop your file into the drag and drop area.

Is there an error in your import? You can now delete it in Lucca as shown below. On the other hand, once your skills have been attached to jobs (either manually or by importing grids), you cannot delete your import.



Updating the skills framework via import 

If you want to make changes to your skills framework you can do it manually in the solution, or you can do it via an import. 
For example, if you want to make bulk changes to the names and descriptions of skills, simply download your skills framework to rework and edit it using a spreadsheet software such as Excel. 

  • PCPT_Skills_export_FR.png
  • Do you want to edit an existing skill in your framework? 

Lucca will use the "ID" data in the export to recognize the existing skill that you want to edit. This makes it a breeze to edit the name of the skill, the category, descriptions and other information and the changes will apply to the existing skill.

  • Do you want to add a new skill to your framework? 

Do not fill in the "ID" column in the file, Lucca will take this to be a new skill to be created. 

Once you have finished editing the CSV file, you can import the file in the skills framework import.

  • Do you want to delete skills?

It is only possible to delete the import in Lucca if the skills are not attached to jobs (this is done later via the import of grids). In this case, the imported skills will be deleted. Otherwise you need to archive skills one by one from the Skills tab.


If you want to import skills grids, i.e. batch link existing skills to qualifications (jobs), here’s the "Importing skills grids" help sheet.

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