Remote work profiles


Before you get started

In Timmi Office, the remote work or office presence policy is defined through profiles. These profiles categorize different employee populations within the company based on their remote work rights.

Each employee can be associated with a profile, which in turn defines a set of rules governing the recording of days in the schedule, as well as the requirement for certain entries to be approved by the manager.

Note: The definition of profiles to enforce remote work rules is included as part of the premium Timmi Office package.

Define the remote work policy

You can access the profiles from the Profiles menu located in the settings.

Before creating profiles, make sure you have created workplaces. The workplaces specified in the various settings can be either specific locations (e.g., Remote, Nantes Office) or groupings (e.g., All Offices) to define the rule more broadly.

To create a profile, the first step is to give it a name. It is recommended to give it a recognizable name, as when the profile is assigned to a user, it will also be visible in the HR file. A clear and descriptive name will make it easy to identify which rules are associated with a user. For example, you could name it "Regular Remote working" 1 day/week" or use a name related to their team if the profile corresponds to a team-specific policy.


You can then define various rules that will govern the entry and approval of workplaces in Timmi Office:

  • Excluded workplaces: enables you to set the workplaces that employees are not able to enter in their schedules. Example: the employee cannot enter “fixed remote working” if they only work remotely occasionally.
  • Approval:This specifies the workplaces that will always require manager approval when requesting time off. Locations not specified here will only require approval if they do not meet other rules. Example: “Occasional remote working” is still subject to approval even if the limits are respected.
  • Entering the schedule in advance: this setting also exists in the general settings. It prevents employees from entering their schedules early in weeks. Example: the employee can fill in their schedule within a maximum of two weeks following the date of entry.
  • Minimum seniority: enables you to set the workplaces that employees will not be able to enter in their schedules during a given period. Example: to enter “Remote working”, employees must have a seniority of at least four months
  • Advance notice: Enables you to set the workplace(s) for which a minimum notice period must be respected between the date of entry in the schedule and the event. Example: at least two days' notice is required to enter “Travel”.
  • Forbidden Days: This allows you to specify certain days for one or multiple workplaces where time off requests are restricted. Example: the employee cannot enter “Remote work” on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Maximum: This indicates the maximum number of days that can be requested for one or multiple work locations. This maximum can be specified over a period (week, month, quarter, year) and can be expressed as either a specific number of days or as a percentage of working days. Example: the employee can enter “Regular remote working” two days a week.
  • Minimum Office Days: This sets a minimum number of days that must be spent in the office rather than remote working. Like the maximum, this minimum can be specified over a period (week, month, quarter, year)and can be expressed as either a specific number of days or as a percentage of working days. Example: the employee works in the office or travels for work at least two days a week.

The rules for forbidden days, maximum days, and minimum office days can be configured as blocking rules.

  • If this parameter is enabled, users will not be able to enter days that do not comply with the rule. The blocking feature is not applied to users with administrator permissions; they will simply receive an alert.
  • If it is disabled, entries exceeding the rule will be subject to manager approval. 

Assign a profile to an employee

An employee is assigned to either zero or one profile in Timmi Office. To assign a remote working profile, you can either go through the profile administration in Timmi Office or directly from the HR file.

Default profile

You can select a default profile that will automatically apply to all new employees.

If no default profile is selected, then employees without a profile will be able to enter their schedule without being subject to any rules or approval.


From profiles

You can add an employee directly from the profiles interface. A search interface by department and establishment allows for the simultaneous assignment of employees by population. This enables the assignment of employees at the profile's creation stage without switching interfaces.

Note: When using this method, all employees are available for addition. If a selected user already has another profile, it will be replaced.

From the HR file

You can also set up the profile directly from the user's HR file within the application's data settings. The advantage of this is the ease of configuration when setting up a new user's HR file.


View data

A profile filter has been added to reports. This allows you to filter csv export data according to groups of employees.

Tableau-de-bord-–-Timmi-Office (1).png


Note: At the time of writing this document, developments are underway to make the profile available for user imports and in reports as well.

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