############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 2;"Remind us of the reasons why you wanted to take advantage of the internal mobility process?";null;3;2;true;true;"Advancement prospects";null;"Understanding with your management";null;"Workload";null;"Salary";null;"Job change";null;"Other";null 0;"What did you think of these first few weeks of integration within your new team? ";null;3;2 0;"What surprised you most in a positive way during this period?";null;3;2 0;"What surprised you most in a negative way during this period?";null;3;2 0;"And so what practical changes could we make to improve these first few months?";null;3;2 0;"Do you have all the means necessary to make your mobility a success (tools, training, etc.)? \n";null;3;2 5;"What did you think of the application process for your internal mobility (from your mobility request to its validation)? ";null;3;2;true;"Not good";"Perfect";1;5 0;"If you had to do this application process again, are there things you would do differently? ";null;3;2 5;"Overall, how do you currently feel in this new position?";null;3;2;true;"Completely lost";"Fully integrated and already effective in my new job";1;5