############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 0;"What surprised you the most when you joined the company?";null;2;2 0;"What is one strength the company has that you did not expect to be the case before starting to work here?";null;2;2 0;"What is one weakness the company has that surprised you the most?";null;2;2 0;"If you had a magic wand, what is the first thing you would change?";null;2;2 0;"Has anything surprised you about our relationships with our clients?";null;2;2 0;"What weakness or shortcoming in our products and services are you most concerned about?";null;2;2 0;"Has anything surprised you in terms of the inter-personal relationships at the company?";null;2;2 0;"Did you have everything you needed when you arrived?";null;2;2 0;"What strategies would you recommend putting in place to make your position more effective?";null;2;2 1;"What did you think of your recruitment process?";null;2;2;true;"En dessous des attentes";"Au dessus des attentes";1;5 1;"What did you think of your induction and training process?";null;2;2;true;"En dessous des attentes";"Au dessus des attentes";1;5 1;"How would you rate your work environment and your equipment?";null;2;2;true;"En dessous des attentes";"Au dessus des attentes";1;5